Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I should drink.

Well my new friends I guess we should have a group pow wow and get to know each other. I should tell you a little about me and then you can decide if you want to follow this blog. Hell I don't even know if I want to follow this blog.

I am a divorced 36 year old mother of 6. Thats right 6. The weirdest question I always get when I tell people I have 6 kids is " Are they all yours?"  Um. Is there an option to say no? Maybe I could get a DNA test? I am the mother...of course they are mine!!!  The ages of my children are 19,17,14,10,6 and 3. Yes siree we are a busy bunch. My oldest "T" is living on his own. He keeps me busy with his fast driving, his lack of judgement concerning jobs, and his motto of drive fast live hard leave a good looking body. I should drink.

My daughter, we will call her "A" is graduating this year. She is tall and beautiful and sweet. She is the one that drives me the craziest. She is so naive and believes the best in everyone all the time. See. Drives you crazy already huh?

The next in line "M" is short and overly developed for her age. I should drink. The boys at school pick on her so much. I know that she will develop character by letting her deal with it herself character letting people dictate how you should look and feel and be??!! I think that judgemental people start in junior high. I think that they should be shut down now before they reak havoc on the earth by treating people like crap and making them hate themselves. Who raises these monsters anyways??!! If my brother and I picked on anyone and our parents found out...death. Not even kidding. I keep giving her one liners to use on these creatons, so far it keeps them at bay. But they are strong at being arseholes. Probably come from a long line of abusive jerks.
"E" is blonde and green eyed. Skinny and smarter than anyone in our family. She gets super great grades naturally. She makes friends and loses them all in one sitting and is a natural at mothering everyone. She is super good with her siblings. She is easy to far. I mean she isn't a teenager yet...but its only around the corner. ....I should drink.

"Boo" is my youngest son. He is sweet and kind. His little sister "Tiny" owns him. When she gets mad at him she will grab the cat shake it up and throw it at him. Claws come flying at him at 100 miles per hour. What other mother hears " Mom "Tiny" threw the cat at me again...I'm bleeding!!" She uses weapons this young? And a cat!!! Only my family. I should drink.

So there is a little about my family. There is a bunch of main characters in my life that you will be introduced friends...hold on to your hat for that blog.


  1. Hi Baby. Love it. Can't wait to make an appearnace!

  2. I love the way you describe your kids. You love them so much, and it shows in how you tell us about them. Can't wait to make an appearance in your blog. For better or for worse, you're stuck with me too!
