Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I am fluffy.

I am 5'3 256lbs. Yikes. Writing that makes it even more real. I have been fluffy for 13 years. I was athletic most of my teen years. I was great at most sports. I was one of the best sprinters in our school and no one could out wrestle me. I swam contantly was good at it and it calmed me. (anyone that knows me, knows that calming me isn't easy) I am very competitive. If someone thought they could beat me at something, I made it my lifes goal to do better. I miss that body. I miss that passion

I began my weight gain when I was 23. I was triggered into gaining weight after I lost my brother Jason. All passion died. I can't explain it to people. We had a bond that isn't understood by most. We understood each other without words and we could just be with each other and be content. We fought hard. Some of our best battles were about nothing. I learned my best wrestling moves from him...or should I say practicing on him. We would agree to disagree about his choice of girlfriends. We would try to fly homemade kites made of plastic bags and string (they don't you don't know) and run for hours trying to get some air time. We would plot how to get ourselves a walkie talkie so we can talk at bedtime. (our parents were on to us and would refuse to get us one) We snuck out of our rooms at night and watch SCTV and Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show and our favorite Saturday Night Live...back when it was amazing.

 Jason was my best friend and soul mate.  My humor, which you will see later came from him. He and I would look for funny things in everything. A smarties box could entertain us for hours...we were simple creatures. Some of my funniest moments happened with him. I much. His death shook me to my core. I wear this fat suit to protect me from a life that doesn't have him in it.

So that my friends is my fluffy story.

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