Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have been on a lot of sports teams, when the team is just sucking the coach calls a time out and the team gathers around and the coach yells at them to get in the game.

I want a time out. I want to gather my team, who is struggling, and get some motivation from each other and start playin well again.

I would also like a pentalty box. When someone breaks a rule they get 2 minutes for roughing, lying, crying, cheating, stealing, being mean, ect.

Oh yeah!! You just lipped your mom off, two minutes for lipping. In the box. Back talk...two more minutes in the box.

I also need a guru. Some smart man on a mountain ( laundry mountain, in my house) who I can go to and get some advice on all the crap that isn't in the manuals that come with children, friends, parents, in-laws, spouses, neighbours and yourself.

Hey Guru, how do you take a doll head out of a toilet to unclog it? How do you tell your friends you actually hate when they comment on my messy house? How do you tell people they are insensitive assholes, without saying they are insensitive assholes? How do you control a wild teenager? How do you get nail polish out of hair? Do you HAVE to be nice to your elders? How do you motivate people to just give a crap about cooking, cleaning and taking care of what they have? Come on Guru!! HELP ME!!!!

I think the Guru would quit in a week. No notice.

Guru aren't dependable like that.

I feel like I am expected to be everything. I know that all moms feel this way but damn it, that isn't right!!!

Raising a family is a group effort. Everyone should be helping each other. We are all, over worked, under appreciated and not living well.


*crickets creaking*

Ok team gather around.

Listen to me, there has to be a better way. Can we work together and make a better play? Just ask for help if you can't make the play by yourself. Call it. BE honest and ask. Worst thing that can happen is a no. But maybe someone else can suggest another plan. Look, I am crazy busy, but if I can have a break at a later date I can take on more for now.

For instance: Drop your kids off at my place, quite honestly I probably won't notice. Call me when you have a shortage of milk or sugar or if you need helping icing a cake ( um actually I am horrible at crafting I would choose someone else) But if you need someone to sound off to about a horrible ex or if you need a speech written...I'm your girl. Ask and ye shall recieve. Lonely? Call. Sad. Call. Happy. Call. Needing a break....CALL!!

We all think it's a weakness to ask for help, I think its a strength. To know your limits and ask for help. The weakness is NOT helping. Scared to put yourself out there to help is unacceptible. GET IN THE GAME!

If I can step outside my wild life so can everyone else. You think you can't but you can. The greatest thing is when you start giving, the recieving comes with it, hand in hand.

I am saying this right now, I need some heros right now. My life is kinda topsy turvy and I could use someone to step in and pick something to help me with, one of your talents to use to get me to a place where I can manage again.

I need someone to help me. Even if it is to straighten out my head and to re-process my priorities. I think ALL of us need help in some way.

So I am calling a TIME OUT and we are all having a meeting at my place and getting in the game.

Message me on facebook if you would like to join.

Wine, pop, juice, snacks and a lot of conversation.

 Lets get this team winning again.

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