Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Dream

Last night I had the most amazing dream. I was camping with my family in the beautiful mountains.

My mom was sitting on a lawn chair rocking and cuddling my youngest daughter by the campfire; Jason was kicking a soccer ball around with Boo and Trevor. Amanda was roasting marshmallows with Jon. Dad was blowing a burning one for Emilee. Melanie was digging in the cooler with me for a hotdog to cook. There was music and laughter and everyone was so happy.

Suddenly a big wind came in and started blowing things around, there was chaos and rain. A storm.

I had crawled into a tent with Mel and we watched the storm with amazement. Mel looked at me and said, "Are you ready for the huge clean up after that?" I looked out at the puddles and the wrappers blown all around and wet clothes and chairs and said " Not really, but will I have a choice" We continued waiting for the storm to pass, wondering where the others went to wait it out.

Just as suddenly as the storm came, it left. The sun was bright and warm and the birds were excited and chirpy. I crawled out with Melanie and she ran ahead towards the campfire. I stood motionless at the entrance to my tent.

Before me, were Trevor and Mike and Boo picking up blown wrappers, Erin and Kelly and Holly drying off the coolers and getting stuff for supper. Theresa was rocking and carrying Tiny, showing her the puddles. My dad was hanging wet clothes with Amanda. My Aunty Marge, Michelle, Roxanne and Chantelle were working on putting sweaters on all the kids and Em was getting a hug from Dianne. Jon was starting the fire. There were husbands getting wood, kids running around, the sun was warm and the air smelled sweet.

At first, I was searching for the people that were gone. And where the hell is Wendy?!!

"I'm beside you" she said.

"Oh hey, what the hell is going on?"

"They are cleaning up after the storm"

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure you don't run back into that tent." Wendy replied.

"I kinda don't want to." I smiled. "It's beautiful out here."

"They’re making it beautiful again. So will you. So will I."

“Good because it used to be perfect.” I said.

“ Look around Raquel, its perfect now too.”

I heard the laughter. I felt the sun. I smelled the fresh earth and new beginning. I looked and saw my family, my new family.

I looked over at Wendy and took her hand.

And started picking things up together.

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