Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dear Slim...first day back.

I forgot to tell you this wouldn't be easy. I kinda like not working too hard, I also get discouraged pretty easy. Oh and our lives...pretty crazy right now. 6 kids, a puppy, a dragon, and a cat to keep alive. No one else seems to know how to cook in that house, that or they don't care to try and things get untidy every half minute. Look I am willing to do whatever you say, to get this weight off, but well, it's going to take some thought process.

I love how I didn't think about anything negative yesterday, and I wasn't afraid. I had this inner peace that I haven't felt in a long time. Like I can let go of the steering wheel and let you drive. I only wish I could lay on a couch and eat cheese doodles and watch you work your magic, but apparently I have to be part of this healing process. SIGH.

Love you,


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