Thursday, June 24, 2010


Being a champion is a hard job. It takes courage and determination and you have to believe totally in the goal and make it happen no matter how hard it is.

In order for me to head towards a life worth living, I have had to be a champion to myself and I had to allow other champions to lead me towards a brighter future.

I am a champion. I still believe in the human spirit and I still want to help make things right for others. My life’s goal it to heal myself then work towards healing others.

To see the beauty in the world around me and to want to be a part of it, is the best gift I have given myself in my whole life. To feel optimistic and excited for my future is amazing and to see the potential in others and  believe in them is exhilarating.

I wish this upon everyone.

Right now 6 of my champions are struggling. They are going through some life changing growing pains and it hurts me to watch it. I remember feeling those pains. I still get those pains from time to time, but the changes that will come from feeling these things, will impact their life for the better.

Making stretch marks on your heart means your going to have a life-time scar on it but it's going to be bigger, better and stronger than it was before.

Although you’re an amazing champion already, there is always room for improvements and going through what your going through is the best way to head towards your greatest good.

Champions, I wish I could be your champion and save you from your pain, your grief and your depression but I can’t. No one could have saved me from it either.

I can only let you know that I believe in you. I know you will come out of this; I will be there to help you get out of this, but you are in charge of your growth and if I carry you the whole way you won’t blossom. It’s hard to not jump in and take control and save you from mistakes, but when I see how mistakes grew me into a more loving, strong and determined woman I want that for you.

Because I love you. Because you have given me so much of yourself. I am giving you the best of me and that is what I have learned.

 I needed to fall. I needed to have all this pain in order to be a champion for you.

You need to fall.

 I am here to pick you up,  I am here to believe in you. I am here to remind you of the best in you, so we can help you up, dust you off and build you up from scratch.

So you can begin to climb your way to the top and meet me there.

Just like you did for me.

Just like your doing for me.

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